
Read To Know How 5G And Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) Could Really Help In Improving Safety

Read To Know How 5G And Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) Could Really Help In Improving Safety  

The investigation on how 5G and mobile edge computing could help in ensuring fast and reliable communication between road infrastructure, vehicles, and pedestrians sharing the road to help reduce accidents or collisions.

Testing is done and carried out in partnership with the University of Michigan’s Mcity testbed ground.

Research has been done by Honda and Verizon on how 5G and mobile edge computing (MEC) could really help in improving safety to connect autonomous vehicles, the companies have intended to explore a large span of safety scenarios to reinforce threat detection and to keep away from accidents.

According to the companies super-fast, reliable, and low total round trip time that the data transmission at the edge of the network is very essential for the connection of vehicle safety.

Verizon claims that 5G and MEC platforms bring the power of the cloud closer to the vehicle, lowering the time taken in which it offers massive bandwidth which improves communication and proper connectivity between drivers, other cars, traffic lights, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles.

“The research of Honda’s and Verizon collaboration is an important step in our multi-year effort to develop connecting vehicle safety technologies to realize our vision for a crush-free society,” This was said by the research group leader at Honda’s Advanced Technology Research Division Ehsan Moradi Pari.

“While the research is initial and not planned as a product feature at this very same time, 5G- adapted for use in vehicles communication and MEC has the possibilities to advance safety for everyone sharing the road.

Since the year 2017, Honda has been developing a technology to notice or realize a collision-free society called Safe Swarm. Using cellular vehicles-to-everything (C-V2X) communication is made to enable vehicles to communicate with other road users and share key information such as location, speed, and vehicle sensor data.

One limitation of this approach is the need to outfit each vehicle with onboard Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. The 5G helps move the AI capabilities from the vehicle to the MEC, reducing the full need for AI onboard each and every vehicle. 

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