
Twitter Rolls Out Big Pictures Show In Timelines To All Users On Android And iOS


Twitter Rolls Out Big Pictures Show In Timelines To All Users On Android And iOS

After testing it out over the last couple of months, which will mean that full-sort previews of attached tweet pictures are now shown within user timelines, as against to the current cutting down to fit your image into a specific tweet picture frame.


You can see the present day show on the left, versus the new format on the right. Sooner than being cut to within an inch of their life, making it difficult to see what the pictures actually is in many cases, Twitter will now show full-sized image in the timeline, which will change the way tweets are shown and will likely have a few suggestions from a digital marketing perspective.


The main change in speaking to connect to the bigger tweet shown for tweets with pictures, which match more screen real estate, and more room to share your message. That could mean that attaching pictures will better your user response to your brand message, as it will be bigger, and will stand out more in-stream - so you may want to test with pictures a little more in your Twitter process as a result of this update.

It also means that you no longer need to try and calculate exactly the right size to make sure that users can see your attached pictures in the timeline.

Within those parameters, you're good to go - so you will still need to ensure your Twitter images meet these requirements. But you won't have to upload various types till you get just the right one that shows as you want in the feed.

This is an interesting, and valid thought to keep in mind. If users no longer have to click on your tweets to enlarge your attached pictures, that will also likely result in a reduce in commitment with your tweets. So if you regularly post pictures, and your numbers take a dip, this could be the reason why. Worth noting in your process.

It is also worth noting that this only apply to single-picture tweets. Tweets with many pictures will still be shown in the older format - so if you want to keep using the ol' 'open for a surprise' tweet engagement trick, you still can, just with many pictures in place of.

It looks like a good addition, which will make your Twitter feed a more visually interesting space. Though it could take some getting used to - and again, for brands, it could mean that tweets with pictures produce a lot more user

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