
Instagram Shares Useful Survey Of DM Controls And Product Tags In Posts


Instagram Shares Useful Survey Of DM Controls And Product Tags In Posts

This is helpful - today, Instagram has shared some new tips to help people make the best use of the Digital Marketing sway tools available to them, while it's also shared a fast look of how business accounts can put product tags in feed posts, Stories, Reels and IGTV.

First off, on DMs - in his second video looking at platform items, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has given some pointers on how to use the various Digital Marketing tools available, which you may not be aware of.

The key pieces Mosseri highlights are:

  1.  Message requests - As Mosseri remarks, musician T-Pain currently shared a post that showed a wide range of Digital Marketing requests that he had received which he did not know about, which has brought about Mosseri to show how this element works.
  2. Mark as Unread - Mosseri remarks that if you press on a message for a longer period, you can mark it as 'unread'. A further option appears that helps you to mark the messages notify unread. This could be very important, given that Instagram said that it's adding new read receipts to Instagram Direct just last week.
  3. Vanish Mode - Mosseri also highlights Vanish Mode, which, when activated, will make seen messages vanish when you close the chat. Facebook first announced Vanish Mode in September last year.

Privacy controls - Finally, Mosseri also looks at the various Digital Marketing control options you have available in setting>Privacy>Messaging 

It's a handy survey of the range of Digital Marketing tools that you have available to you on the platform, particularly, as noted, the option top 'Mark as unread', which will become more to the point as Instagram's new read receipts notifiers roll out.

Over on the Instagram making account, it's also shared a handy look of how to tag items in your Instagram posts, including Stories, Reels, and IGTV.

It's a basic overview of the options you have available, but it covers all the key pieces of how item tags work in each. 

Overall, these are some useful notes, which will highlight a few things you may not have been aware of, or help to guide you in maximizing your IG content. 

Either way, both clips are worth checking out to make sure you are aware of 

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