

" To Kill a mocking Animal"

 " To Kill  a mocking Animal"

The Coronavirus is a declared pandemic by WHO, but when it was emerging as an endemic, the World (forget our Country), was not even concerned as to why innumerable human lives are being sacrificed. The ominous signs were in headline since long.


1.The World did see such toll on human lives since World War1.Records say  the endemic  turned into a pandemic and our own country was witness to the after effects of first life threatening Malaria followed by the irreversible Plague which started as a random disease in 1939, but went on to create history upto 1940. That period was another big period of economic recession. Off course, the best antidote and the most effective medicine were discovered to eliminate such unprecedented disaster, not only against the Culex, but  the Anopheles variety as well but also cure against six different species of Rodent/Mice related infections.Later small pox was also eradicated and relegated, but Dermatologists are still working on 100% reclaim  of the skin epidermis.


2. WHO came into existence and improved medical culture & technology & eradicated most intriguing diseases.


But then human eating habits and luxurious lifestyles to satisfy adventurous taste buds, gave rise to a new World disease 'Obesity.' Human beings of different cultures and countries  invented taste varieties and so consumerism of manufacturers turned their attention to the adventurous palate and the cooking medium stayed with  animal fat. The hilly areas of our North Eastern sector namely Imphal, in Manipur, found staple diet in dog meat and so on. Different areas was open to fussy delicacies.


3.SAARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome also originated from The animal market ie in Nov: 2002 from Guangdong, a southern province of China where zoonotic epidemics are not new. China broadcasted lies & has confused the World today as regards the root cause of the virus spread.They do have a highly sensitised  Zoonotic Lab at Wuhan (Media Report), near the animal market. These virus are bred on animals like bats, civet cats and snakes and once it jumps to warm blooded mammals like man, the protein mitosis or mutating change that takes place with humans is very fast. The spread is pronounced with more movement of the affected people to and from China. So SAARS spread to 26 countries in 2002 in a matter of few weeks. About 81,596 people contacted it with mortality of 11% and less than one thousand deaths. Researchers then had opined that the  origin of the virus was from the caves in Hubei province. It was then believed that the virus may have jumped to civet cats kept in small cages in the seafood market at Wuhan. Since snakefood is a fast food snack in Wuhan, the outbreak of Coronavirus may also be caused from snakes as well. China's Wuhan market is reported to experiment with exotic animal dainties. After studying various magazines and files there is mention of stirred-fried locusts, boiled cockroach soups with spaghetti, bat soups are very common along with fried meat from civet cats. These food fancies thrive on such animals, which are stripped to satisfy the Chinese desire to impress and try novel dishes.


4. PTI reports, donkeys from Africa were being shipped to China, where the skins are turned into gelatine for use in traditional medicine. There is also report of export of donkey hides from Pakistan to China. The meat of course is eaten as a savoury. Pangolins also fall within the Chinese dietary supplement.These, cute helpless beasts are being  scooped from East Africa to China via Pakistan and sold at say $ 470/- per Kilo. The scales cost another $ 3000/- per Kilo more and is consumed in Vietnam and China as well. Chinese medicine uses these animals also for spurious cures including a confirmed cure for impotence. Impotence after puberty is a big worry in Chinese middle class.


5. There is evidence of Pakistan's own houbara bustards being exported to Arab countries for treating impotence completely. This today, is a big revelation. In India itself there is ample evidence of poaching the Indian Tiger, Rhinoceros and Elephants for their skin, horns and tusks respectively by the 'influential' and have almost driven them to extinction. The tribals in Periyar  had hunted Pangolins and the Whale for their tasty and the huge quantity of meat respectively. Bears, the document indicates are not at all tasty, but their bile is a major medicine for the treatment in Urology even today.


6. While scanning through the details and PTI contacts, the Wuhan market is opening up to their people once again. The Authorities in China seems to have learnt little from the past! But China will have a lot to lose from this current outbreak as investors will be reluctant to visit a country that poses such health hazards. Does such facts not imply that millions of Chinese overseas will be seen as potential carriers of Coronavirus? The time was ripe when President Xi was trying to position China as the World's top Economy, but little could he fathom a case when the mocked animals can strike back! The Japanese continue to hunt the Whales despite Wildlife criticism. The quantity of the huge fish meat is frozen and stored as the cuisine is also a staple food and a part of their culture as well.That means any big party will serve Whale meat.It is known as a connossiers' table dish.


6. People in France, Italy and Germany still eat horse meat.The French, it is reported, insist on the horse head brain-marrow a dish which the youth salivate as because of the extra energy and kickbacks it is reported to generate.


7. India has a big task cut out, if the Policy Makers  are concerned for the well being for it's population, it has to ensure food protection & safety as this pandemic may rerun as an epidemic after the monsoon, the water level all over the World is rising due to Global Warming, the Health Care System seems quite robust in paper, the population of 130 Cr + need the three basic to survive as we have already lost 1075 human lives inspite of drumming messiah-like stories and Meteorologist cannot say with conviction there cannot be severe natural calamities lined up as we have very recently felt a mild tremor of 6.7 on the Richter.


 In search of a Indigenous solution


With the National Library, BCL, USIS being all closed, the PTI Soft copy Library contained the Project Report of the Bankura Sammelani Medical College & Hospital, a Venom Lab, an R&D and Education Centre at Bankura town. The file is gathering dust since the past 9 months while reaching the C.M's office. Interestingly, the file points to two poisonous snakes, the Chinese Cobra and the Chinese Branded Krait which carries these (Coronavirus) in the cold blooded torso. Dr Dayal Bandhu Majumdar, the initiator of the National Snakebite Management, a resourceful person concerned with Snake behaviour & training, indicates the spread of the virus through human consumption. (Leave out the Chinese lie).


8. It says, that marginalized people in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and South Korea eat poisonous snakes for food. Tribals in India, in remote places consume rat snakes and pythons which are non venomous. However  the King Cobra and the branded Krait are also found in abundance in W.B.And our State must have an antidote ready! He points out though poisonous snakes are not eaten in India, but the spread can be from bats too which are eaten by the snakes. Hence the mutating virus is still transmitted.


9. The research stopped due to less funding by the W.B Govt, but their tests are on individual onward action with herpetologists, who can prepare the anti-venom from these surpentines for producing the polyvalent anti-venom serum that is collected by the tribal Irula community and they now want to extract the vaccine from the protein DNA of the  virus and proceed for human cure as per the W.H.O guidelines. China has already cured 96% of the affected people with their own vaccine and are having the new Coronavirus protein Codes. Dr Majumdar has already created the same protein Codes and submitted before ICMR, which has recommended further testing on animal hosts like birds, marmots, hedgehogs before application on humans. The question that thrives in our minds withmystery is how could this virus adapt itself from cold-blooded animals to  warm blooded humans?


10. It is a direct reminder that people must limit or abandon their consumption of animals to prevent Zoonotic Infections.This is strongly supported by Journal of Medical Virology.


If the State Govt seeks any interaction or discussion for human protection & safety they must take proactive action as such protracted lockdown will only lead us to darkness of despondency.

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