
WHO Chief Warns About The Covid-19 Pandemic Being Long Way From Over

WHO Chief Warns About The Covid-19 Pandemic Being Long Way From Over

The WHO chief said that several countries in Asia and the Middle East have seen a large increase in Covid-19 cases. Even though there are more than 780 million doses of vaccine have now been given globally.

In these past seven consecutive weeks, there have been increasing in Covid-19 cases and four weeks of growing deaths globally. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said on Monday that the Pandemic is long from over.


“In January and February, the world saw six consecutive weeks of declining cases, we have also seen seven weeks of consecutive weeks of increasing cases and four weeks of increasing deaths. Last week was the fourth-highest number of cases in a single week so far.”

He once again highlighted the Public Health measures of wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, testing, contact tracing, tracking, and isolation. “Make no mistake, vaccines are an all-important and powerful tool, but that is not the only tool used like we keep saying over and over again, Physical Distancing works, Mask Wearing Works, Hand Hygiene works, Ventilation works, Surveillance, testing, contact tracing, isolation, supportive, quarantine and compassionate care-they all will work to stop the infections and save lives.”

He added, “But confusion, complacency, and inconsistency in public health measures and their application are driving transmission and costing lives.”

While citing “many countries around the world“ has shown that this virus can be stopped and contained with proven public health measures and a strong system that would respond rapidly and consistently.

Tedros said, “ Many countries have gained control over Covid-19 and the people out there are now again able to enjoy sporting events, concerts, restaurants and even seeing their family and friends safe.”

WHO did not ask for Endless Lockdowns, the countries that have done their best have taken tailored measured graceful and evidence-based combination of measures.

According to the US-based Johns Hopkins University is that the Death toll from the Coronavirus infection in the world has topped 2.94 million and almost 136.3 million cases of the infection were detected.

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